Writing Blogs is a skill. Often, people are under the false presumption that to become a successful Blog Writer all you need is good written and literary skills. While those skills are indispensable, creating a successful blog is a culmination of many different things. In this article we are going to discuss about How To Write SEO-friendly Content Good Quality Articles for your Websites or Blog – Step By Step Guide
You have to keep your readers hooked to your content. Suppose I started talking about why I started writing as a child on this post, would you be interested in reading that? Obviously not since this is not a personal blog. You need to curate your content according to your niche and your audience’s interest. If people enjoy and relate to your article, they are much more likely to share it with their friends or colleagues. For instance, if I do my job right and you get some useful tips on how to write a Good Quality blog post by the end of this article, wouldn’t you share it with someone who you think might benefit from it?
A good quality post requires sustaining a critical balance between optimizing content and making content SEO friendly. You can’t pay more attention to one and neglect the other or all your hard work will go down the drain. You need to work on both things simultaneously. SEO drives organic audience-specific traffic to your website and high-quality content incites them to read, follow and share, thereby increasing reach.
So, without further ado, let’s find out what these “tips” are!
1. Do keyword research
If you’re a blog writer, you must already be aware of how important keywords are for SEO. Keyword research is about discovering keywords that your target audience uses when searching for a product or service you offer. You can utilise this information strategically to steer your keyword approach.
So, before you sit down to write, complete your keyword research. Note down all the focus keywords and relevant in-demand keywords.
2. Think before you write!
Blog writing is not the same as writing a literary piece. You can’t start writing and hope you will find direction somewhere along the way.
Before you write, decide what core message you’re trying to deliver. What is the underlying message behind the post? How would it help your readers?
By pondering these questions, you’ll be able to gauge the search intent of the user when ranking for your targeted keywords.
3. Structure your post
The pillar of a good SEO optimized post is a well-defined structure. Search engines look for readable and clearly segmented posts.
Divide your post into at least 3 parts:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
You can summarize or make notes about each topic.
4. Use paragraphs and headings
While this might seem elementary, the use of paragraphs and headings is quintessential. Paragraphs make your article look more structured and easily readable. If all sub-topics are divided properly, it becomes easier to find what you’re searching for. Keep your paragraphs crisp and short. The main intent of each paragraph should be clear.
Use Catchy headings. The sub-headings help readers navigate through your content. They not only improve readability but work on SEO as well. Using keywords in subheadings is a good strategy to boost SEO. However, don’t force keywords otherwise it will make the text look bulky and unclear.
5. Transition Smoothly
If you’re talking about the Case Study of Tesla and directly jump to the Stock Market in the next paragraph, your reader will surely be lost and off-putted. If you need to explain the importance of Tesla Stocks in the Stock Market, then you need appropriate transition paragraphs/sentences to relate it to the reader.
Using words like ‘first of all, ‘finally’, ‘however’, ‘similarly’ and ‘for instance‘, give a clear cue to the readers. These transition words make your article more organized and put together.
6. Use Related Keywords
Keyword again? Didn’t we already talk about keywords? Well, focus keywords and target keywords are different things. It is not recommended to stuff your article with irrelevant Focus Keywords. Search Engines like Google have algorithms in place that work to enhance user experience. You might think an article full of keywords will rank well on SEO but that’s not true. The Google algorithm detects poor readability and negatively impacts your SEO rank.
Related Keywords are simply synonyms or related words to your Focus Keyword. If you’re writing an article about cars, relevant words might be an automobile, motor car, etc.
7. Use recommended Content-Length
A general blog post should consist of at least 300-500 words. Longer blog posts rank better on Search Engines. The recommended and optimal length for a good quality article is 2000 words. The reason behind it is that longer articles get better traction on social media, search engines, etc. Make sure you don’t just add trifling content to increase the article length. The quality of the article should never be compromised to achieve a word count. At the end of the day, even good quality articles with less than 2000 words will rank well.
8. Link to existing content
If you have written an article on a similar topic, you can link it to your new article. This will give the user more insight into the topic and strengthen your credibility on the subject. Internal linking is important for the Google algorithm. It’s beneficial to the readers also because they get a good picture of what all things your website offers.
9. Add Hyperlinks
As we already mentioned, linking is important for the Google algorithm. So, don’t forget to add relevant links to good quality articles on your post. This gives users a more wide view of the topic and good quality links increase the reliability.
10. Proof Read your Content
Always proofread your article before posting it. When you write an article for the first time, you may make small errors or add information that you will later realise is not important. Proofreading helps eliminate such mistakes and makes sure the article is crisp, clear and well optimized.
Writing a blog is an acquired skill that takes time, patience and practice to master. All the best on your content writing journey!